Perhaps the longest treetop path in the world can be found in the Bavarian Forest near Neuschönau. On a barrier-free length of approx. 1.3 km in total, it takes visitors to a seemingly different world and offers unique views and experiences.

The path and the observation tower are barrier-free and family-friendly designed. A maximum gradient of 6% allows the driveway with wheelchair and stroller.
Experience the unique forest landscape and its life forms in a new dimension: walk 8 to 25 meters above the forest floor in untouched nature and experience unique perspectives. You can explore the fascinating nature of the national park from lofty heights and enjoy wonderful views!

The path ends on the platform of the impressive “Tree Tower” at a height of 44 meters and offers a fantastic and almost limitless view: on the one hand in the direction of Lusen on a settlement-free area with forest and wilderness, on the other hand on the cultivated landscape of the Bavarian Forest to the Alps.

At the car park of the animal outdoor area, access is via an access tower, which, with the help of its elevator, also allows seniors, wheelchair users and parents with pushchairs a comfortable and carefree visit.


Baumwipfelpfad Bayerischer Wald 
Böhmstraße 43 
94556 Neuschönau
+49 / 8558 / 974074
F +49 / 8558 / 974076

More information can be found here.

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